Monday, March 25, 2013

Several Guest that We Confused

As a restauraner, the boss in Our job were exactly the customer, not my Senior or Area ones. We must serve them with a standard and fulfill their hungriness and imagination of what the restaurant promise. For example, you give the pictures of the Gado gado in a picture with a whole bunch of peanut sauce but in reality you give the customer with a little one. The different of the picture could be complaint by the guest, becsuse the picture is what you promise to them.

Once, my guest asking the condiments of her burger which is different with the pictures, although we already did that with a standard. The condiment is included the crispy onion, but looks like the guest doesn't know exactly what is onion. Or perhaps she confused to differ between onion and garlic. Then, i just told her that is marketing mistaken so i can skip that problem and continue to do the another job.

Another problem is came when the bilingual guest came. We are lucky have a staff who can speak arabic, So if there is a khadar or arabic face came and asking the difficult things, we just actually call him to solve the problem. But its so difficult that we have a customer who come again and again. They were a family and speak chinese with no a lil bit bahasa or english. The second problem was they are all elder. So when they just arrive at the counter they just point at the picture and it was difficult that they cannot write in romaji. Even its hard to tell the drinks that they want to order. To solve this, usually we just made the food then pay it later. Better than make a mistake then must refund their money.

Then, the other story came from the stutter man. It is not really clear what he wants to order. He just said "Burger, 20 with fries". Then i key in 20 burgers meal with total price more than 400.000 rupiah. Then he showed his money just 40.000 rupiah. My staff yell from the kitchen, he just one order 1 meal with the price 20.000 and up. And that is our cheapest burger menu what he means. Oh.. there you go... The staff who yelled tell me that once, he also confused when he headed with that man. SO the same case repeat again.

That is a little exp that i gain until this time. How about you? Restauraners...

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